About This Game "The Heist" is an interactive comic book adventure by "Munzesky Games Studio" made as a spinoff story to their upcoming project "Sol Invictus". Set in a futuristic capital of Ganymede, the story follows a team of four dedicated individuals throughout their organised effort to steal a certain technological prototype that can be a valuable addition to their cause. Using dialogues and inventory, influence how the story unfolds and see how many of them will have to pay the ultimate price. Once the story is finished you can print it out and have a hard copy of your own gameplay of the story. 6d5b4406ea Title: The HeistGenre: Adventure, IndieDeveloper:Munzesky Games StudioPublisher:GamechuckFranchise:Interactive ComicsRelease Date: Coming soon...ish The Heist Download] [addons]
The Heist Download] [addons]
Updated: Mar 17, 2020